
Search for features within Genomic Regions

Search for features that overlap a list of genome coordinates you enter or upload, e.g. 6:50000..100000. Be sure to use the correct chromosome identifier system for the selected species, and be sure to select both the species and the assembly. All species except cat use numbers for autosomes. Cat uses A1-A3, B1-B4, C1-C2, D1-D4, E1-E3 and F1-F2 for autosomes. Sex chromosomes are X,Y for mammals and Z,W for chicken. The mitochondrial chromosome is MT for all species. Scaffolds use RefSeq ids ("NW_...") for all species. To retrieve a map of chromosome identifiers, you can use the template query "Genome Assembly-->Chromosome IDs" found on the FAANGMine home page under "ENTIRE GENE SET".

Warning: After running your search, using your browser back key to revise the search may cause unexpected changes to the parameters. It would be better to start a new search.

More genome coordinates help

  1. Type/Paste in genomic regions in  base coordinate ?  interbase coordinate ?
    or Upload genomic regions from a .txt file...
  2. Extend your regions at both sides:
  3. Check this box to perform a strand-specific region search (search + strand if region start<end; search strand if region end<start)